- Tragedia sul lavoro nel porto di Genova, morto operaio di 36 anni â Oggi sciopero di 8 ore
- Livorno Cold Chain, il nodo logistico dellâAlto Tirreno al Fruit Logistica di Berlino
- Venezia Marghera, nuova concessione per il terminal auto nellâarea ex Sirma
- Continua la crescita dei container nel porto di Gioia Tauro, gennaio +12,5%
- Confindustria Toscana, Bigazzi: âPiombino, lo sviluppo potrebbe passare dal rigassificatoreâ
- Norwegian Cruise Line ordina a Fincantieri 4 navi da crociera, le piĂč grandi mai entarte in flotta
- La Divisione Navi Militari di Fincantieri incontra il Propeller Club La Spezia e Marina di Carrara
- Forum âShipping, Forwarding & Logistics meet Industryâ edizione 2025, il 4 e 5 marzo a Milano
- Confitarma, addio al past president Giovanni Montanari
- Tarros consolida la sua presenza nel Mediterraneo e rafforza il servizio GPS
- JMSE, Vol. 13, Pages 300: Water Depth Correction-Based Classification Combination Method for Extracting Shallow Sea Reef Geomorphological Information: A Case Study of Xisha Chau and Zhaoshu Island
- JMSE, Vol. 13, Pages 299: Quantitative Assessment of Vessel Traffic Service Center Workload: Development and Validation of the Vessel Traffic Service Operator Workload Index (VOWI)
- JMSE, Vol. 13, Pages 298: Storm Surge Clusters, Multi-Peak Storms and Their Effect on the Performance of the Maeslant Storm Surge Barrier (The Netherlands)
- JMSE, Vol. 13, Pages 296: RUL Prediction for Lithium Battery Systems in Fuel Cell Ships Based on Adaptive Modal Enhancement Networks
- JMSE, Vol. 13, Pages 297: Research on Water-Entry Hydrodynamics for a Cross-Wing Underwater Vehicle
- JMSE, Vol. 13, Pages 295: A Two-Decade Overview of the Environmental Carrying Capacity in BahĂa Santa MariaâLa Reforma Coastal Lagoon System
- JMSE, Vol. 13, Pages 294: Development and Operation of a Free-Fall Type Glass Sphere Underwater Observation System with Suspended Cable in the Seto Inland Sea
- JMSE, Vol. 13, Pages 292: Remote Sensing Tools for Monitoring Marine Phanerogams:A Review of Sentinel and Landsat Applications
- JMSE, Vol. 13, Pages 293: Contact and Non-Contact Measurements of Chlorophyll-a in Water Based on Laser Spectroscopy
- JMSE, Vol. 13, Pages 291: Species Identification and Frequency Characteristic of Japanese Anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) Using Hydro-Acoustics